I decided to implement a
linear algebra library for C programming languages. I guess, it will be
quite minimalist at first, vector and matrix types, matrix-vector and
matrix-matrix arithmetic operations, some utility functions such as
fill, ones, zeros as in matlab. Then, i think adding linear system
solver methods. There may be gauss elimination, decomposition methods
(LU, QR. SVD ...) and eigen subject. Perhaps, file operations.
I know, there are already linear algebra libraries for C like gsl, lapack but both of them are complex, hard to use and more than linear algebra. For now,
I know, there are already linear algebra libraries for C like gsl, lapack but both of them are complex, hard to use and more than linear algebra. For now,
# vector
- structure { size, data };
- allocation, deallocation, ones, zeros, fill
- add, sub, mult ( dot and cross ), div
- from array to vector
- from array to vector
- access element
# matrix
- structure { size, data }
- allocation, deallocation, ones, zeros, diag, fill
- add, sub, mult, div
- get row and get column
- get row and get column
- inverse, transpose, scalar mult, determinant
- access element
# miscellanous
- vectori, vectord, matrixi, matrixd
- min, max element of vectors, matrices
- linear equation solver
- eigen values
- LU, QR, SVD decompositions
- special matrix
- file write / read operations