Little Octave Manual

 - to create row vector
   $ b = [ 1 2 3 ];

 - to create column vector
   $ b = [ 1; 2; 3 ];

 - to create matrix
   $ m = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6 ];

 - you can index vector with () operator
   $ b(2) -> 2

 - you can index array with () operator
   $ m( 1, 3 )

 - vector or matrix index starts from 1, not 0 as C.

 - you can get whole row from matrix
   $ m( 1, : ) -> 1 2 3

 - you can get whole column from matrix
   $ m( :, 1 ) -> 1 4

 - you can create complex number
   $ c = 1 + 2I

 - you can not create matrix which has different column elements
 - to create one matrix
   $ ones( 3, 3 ) -> 3x3 matrix whose all elements are 1

 - to create zero matrix
   $ zeros( 3, 3 ) -> 3x3 matrix whose all elements are 0

 - to create eye matrix
   $ eyes( 3, 3 ) -> 3x3 matrix whose diagonal elements are 1

 - you can create structure likewise C. The structure is defined below
   $ elem.x = 1
   $ elem.y = 5
   $ elem -> { x=1, y=5 }

   $ elem = struct( "x", 1, "y", 5 )

 - whos commands returns all defined variables
 - size function returns size of parameter
 - rows function returns row count of matrix
 - columns function returns column count of matrix
 - isvector and ismatrix functions are used to check parameter type
 - you can define a range with [] operator
   $ b = [ -2.0 : 1 : 3.0 ] -> -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

 - .* operator multiplies matrix element by element.
 - .+ operator adds matrix element by element.
 - .^ operator calculate power of matrix element by element.
 - ' operator gets transpose of matrix.

 - A.x = y linear system may be solved with x = inv(A) * y. In Octave,
   $ x = A\y -> gives solution set

 - A/A = A\A = eye
 - if x = 2, then 1/x = 0.5, 1\x = 2

 - if there is inverse of a matrix, this matrix is square and its ranks equal row/col.
 - rank function returns rank of matrix.

 - polyval function solves a polynomial for the parameter
   $ p = [ 6 -10 0 2 ] -> 6x^3 - 10x^2 + 0x + 2
   $ polyval( p, 1 )   -> 6.1^3 - 10.1^2 + 0.1 + 2 = -2

 - rand() function returns a random number between 0 and 1.
 - rand( n, m ) function call returns a nxm matrix whose all elements are random numbers between 0 and 1.

 - min and max functions return min and max value of each column of a matrix.

 - sort function sorts each column of a matrix.

 - find function returns non-zero elements of a matrix
   $ find( A )
   $ find( A < 0.5 ) -> returns value which are smaller than 0.5
 - any returns 1 for each column of matrix whether the column has any non-zero value
 - all returns 1 for each column of matrix whether the all value of column are non-zero values
 - round, floor, ceil and fix functions are used to convert floating number to integer.

 - sum function adds all elements of a matrix.
 - prod function multiplies all elements of a matrix.
 - cumsum and cumprod perform same operations with accumulation.

 - det function returns determinant of a matrix.
 - eig function returns eigen values and vectors of matrix.
   $ [V, L] = eig( A )

 - orth(A) -> orthonormal range space
 - null(A) -> orthonormal null space
 - inv(A) or inverse(A) -> inverse of the matrix

 - roots function returns roots of a polynomial.
 - polyint returns integral of a polynomial, polyder returns derivation of a polynomial.

 - plot draws a graphics with two parameters.
 - set(gca, <param>, <value>) edits current plot
   $ set(gca, "linewidth", 2 )   -> make linewidth of graphic 2
   $ set(gca, "xlim", [-10 10] ) -> make range of X axes [-10 10]
   $ set(gca, "ylim", [-10 10] ) -> make range of Y axes [-10 10]
   $ set(gca, "fontsize", 10)    -> make fontsize 10
   $ set(gca, "xlabel", "x" )    -> make xlabel x
   $ set(gca, "ylabel", "f(x)" ) -> make ylabel f(x)
   $ set(gca, "title", "My first plot" ) -> add title upper side of graphic

 - plot( x, f, "o", "markersize", 4, "color", "red" ) draws graphics with marker o and color red.

 - line function draw line on graphics
   $ line( [-2 2], [-5 5], "linewidth", 1 ) -> draws line from (-2,2) to (-5,5), linewidth is 1

 - text function writes text on graphics
   $ text( -2, 2, "root", "fontsize", 10 ) -> prints 'root' on (-2,2) point

 - legend("f(x)") add f(x) string right upper of graphic screen.
 - fplot("sin", [0 2*pi], 50) -> draws plot, it is alternative to plot for math fn
 - clf function clear figure

 - subplot function divides parts to figure.
   $ subplot(2, 3, 1) -> part screen 2 row and 3 column, then draw figure on 1
   $ subplot(2, 3, 3) -> part screen 2 row and 3 column, then draw figure on 3 

 - print( "my_plot.png", "-dpng" ) -> save current plot with png extension in octave workspace directory
 - other save format is eps, pdf, ps, gif, jpg/jpeg, tex, pstex ...

 - to draw 3D surface
   $ x = [-2:0.1:2];
   $ y = x;
   $ [X Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
   $ Z = X.^2 - Y.^2;
   $ surface( X, Y, Z );

 - view( azim, elev )   -> change view point of surface
 - colormap( "summer" ) -> change surface color distribution ( winter, copper, autumn, pink ... )
 - contour3( X, Y, Z )  -> diplays contour plots of surface

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